NCUK Launches New Study Centre at the British Council in Thailand
NCUK has launched an exciting new partnership with the British Council at a successful event held at the British Ambassador’s Residence in Bangkok last week. NCUK’s International Foundation Year (IFY) and International Year One (IYOne) qualifications will be taught at the British Council, Ladprao from September 2018 by qualified teachers of NCUK’s Thai partners, British Academic Center and the British Council.
The qualifications will bring guaranteed access to NCUK universities for students not just in Thailand but across South East Asia.

NCUK’s IFY qualification combines the highest of academic standards with exceptional language, study and cultural skills, and grants access to thousands of degree courses worldwide, ranging from Business, Economics, Engineering, Law, Computer Science, Biological Sciences and many more. It guaranteesstudents access to the first year of a 3 year Bachelor’s degree.
The International Year One will be taught in Business Management which guarantees students access to second year of degrees in Business, Marketing, Finance and many more.
The partnership has been welcomed by students and parents alike, British Council Ladprao is located in central Bangkok so parents are able to save on living and tuition fee costs by keeping their children at home an extra year or two without effecting the quality of their education.

The British Council was established in 1934 and is well respected in over 100 countries, NCUK’s Suraiya Arshad highlighted NCUK’s partnership with the British Council when she attended the launch:
We are really pleased to be working with such a forward thinking and influential organisation. The British Council combines great academic quality, experience and highly-trained teaching staff. It is an icon for British Education and a perfect fit for NCUK.
Suraiya Arshad, NCUK’s Head Of Academic Opera

Andrew Glass, Director of the British Council Thailand, also expressed his enthusiasm about the new partnership by adding:
We are delighted to be partnered with NCUK as it is truly exciting to give Thai students the opportunity to get guaranteed entry to prestigious UK universities. We are excited to be the first British Council Office to offer the NCUK qualifications.

Wah Swee Hwa, Regional Director of South East Asia for Sheffield Hallam University commented on the scholarships that NCUK students have access to and spoke of Sheffield Hallam University’s generous scholarship scheme this year for NCUK students in Thailand. High achieving students can apply to receive a scholarship of 50% of their tuition fees for ever year of their academic studies in Sheffield. Full details of future 2019/20 scholarships will be released shortly and can be found here:
Click here to find out the entry requirements for NCUK qualifications.
To apply to study at the British Academic Center this September or to find out more information, please contact Nattaya by the following email address: [email protected]